Thursday, 30 June 2016

Pizza for grown-up’s get-togethers? Why not!

Pizza is love. When asked about the best parties, our mind transports us to childhood years when balloons, coke and pizza made the order of the day. We have literally grown up on pizza so why shy away from our favourite food?

Pizza comes with all sorts of crusts and toppings. You can customize it according to your own tastes and preferences and that of your guests. With Pizzas you can be sure of having something for everyone. There are few great Italian restaurants in Mumbai like PizzaExpress that would not disappoint you.

Hosting a grown-up pizza party can be extremely fun and classy. Follow these simple tips and you wouldn’t go wrong.

Get it catered- It is essential for most of us to catch-up with old pals. This is precisely why it would be a good plan to opt for catering services. You would get adequate time to spend with the guests and enjoy the party without stressing over the dining details. The best restaurants in Mumbai PizzaExpress can be reached to for a classy catering affair. This would ensure your guests leave well-fed and satisfied.

Adult beverages- You can add to the menu your favourite brews for the guests to sit back and de-stress. Who doesn’t appreciate an outing with good drinks and food? To make it more upscale, try something like sangria that can take the edge off. Your friends will love the complementing combination.

Décor- Instead of choosing hot neons, go for a softer palette like that of golds and silvers. The idea is that your themed décor should be traded with a sophisticated palette. To add on to the fun, go for party hats and streamers that complement the colour code of the party. These play a major role in adding hues of excitement to the décor.

Utensils and cutlery- Do not use plastic or paper cups and plates. Bring out the best cutlery you have to make the party a tad classier than it would otherwise be with the plastic paraphernalia. Sophisticated wine glasses and other such containers can add to the ambience and relax everyone.

So if you have those fine champagne flutes that you use only on New Year’s, take them out and enhance the setting. What can cheer us better than the celebratory clinking of glasses!

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